left to right: J. Hatch, E. Mark, J. Heeren

I’m not the most consistent blogger, and I’m okay with that. I just wanted to share this shot I took with my phone on the day I played 36 holes of disc golf–one round at Hiestand Park in Madison, WI, and two rounds at Porter Park in Roscoe, IL. This was taken at Porter Park’s Hole 5, down the fairway after teeing off.

the spark of a moment II


I’ve been accused before of trying to sound like an “expert” when I talk about photography, whether it’s someone else’s or my own.

I don’t know what spurred this. Maybe it’s the jargon I throw around, maybe it’s the sickening amount of detail I post with my favorite shots, or maybe it’s the fact that I just talk about it ad nauseam.

The fact of the matter is that the assertion couldn’t be farther from the truth. If anything, I’m far more aware of my shortcomings as a photographer (or musician, or writer–what have you) than anyone else is. Okay, that’s a lie. Anyone who’s better than I am would definitely be more aware of it. What is true, however, is that I never lose sight of how much room I have to improve. Read More

the spark of a moment


Out of every photograph I’ve taken in the past year (riding up to quadruple digits), this is the best and my favorite shot. There are many technical and creative reasons as to why I’d pick this particular shot as my “best,” but it’s my favorite because it’s the why I’ve allowed myself to get into photography. The uniqueness of photography is that i can show you the spark of a moment as it was for however you left the shutter open. I love those sparks because they’re what make you get up and not want to leave until you take the moment with you somehow because you know that nothing ever truly happens twice whether you set it up or it just appears in front of you. You could write a song, draw a picture, or even choreograph a dance; photography is just one of those ways that you can say, “This is what my eyes saw when this moment came alive.”